Dear readers,
This thirty-fourth issue of The TSEconomist magazine is the first issue of the new editorial board for the 2023-2024 academic year.
The primary challenge of the new board was to learn the technicalities of managing the publishing procedure and trying to keep up with the legacy of the previous boards. The enthusiasm and the energy always kept us moving for the publication of the issue.
This summer saw wet bulb temperatures across tropical countries, heatwaves and wildfires in temperate climates and Europe, followed by flooding in several parts of subcontinents.
An obvious choice for us to discuss the topic of Climate Crisis in the new issue. As student researchers it further interested us to know the geo-economics of climate change and its impacts.
The issue starts with an interview from Cecilia Castaldo at the University of Verona, in which she talks about the El-Nino and climate change, the mitigation attempts and what can be done better. The spotlight articles feature three diverse pieces, each dealing with
fundamental climate crisis issues and how we as aware citizens can act. This issue adds to the debate on climate change by further asking some provoking questions about the way we approach climate change, how are food choices are important and what cutting travel
means for the environment.
There are also some interesting articles on the pension reforms, and use of AI in academic research.
This issue also features internship and gap year reports, and a mini-guide to students’ fun life at the TSE and UT Capitole- essential for those entering school this semester. In the coming year, we wish to organise interesting coffee talks and sessions, apart from publishing our issues. We hope to see you all in numerous!
We wish you a good read
Rito Chakraborty