Culture and Economics

Dear readers,

We are very excited to publish our 22nd issue, marking the beginning of a new school year and the eighth year of circulation of the magazine. First of all, we want to wish everyone a good start for this new academic year. We would like to thank all the contributors to this new issue, all of whom were very dedicated and great to work with.

With this team spirit from all of you, we are prepared to keep improving the standards of the magazine.

This new academic year signs a period of change for our beloved TSE, from a new logo to a new building. In the next issue we will adopt the new logo and we will make some additional format changes following your feedback. In this issue you will find for the first time, an article with school news written by our dean. We decided to take this opportunity to make some change, aiming at improving the role of the magazine in campus life.

In order to do so, we are revamping the On Campus and Professional sections. As you might notice, they are now focused on bringing useful new information to the students. A larger selection of alumni testimonies and internship reports will help students to better

identify interesting career paths and internship opportunities. The calendar of TSE events and some humble internship tips from former students will help students prepare better for the professional world. Attaining a more meaningful role on campus life is something

we will not be able to achieve alone. This is why we want to thank the dean, the careers department, and the alumni association for all the support they have given us in the last months.

We are aiming at maintaining the strong growth that the magazine has been experiencing over the last few years. However, to achieve this task, we will need all the support from our readers. We really want to take this opportunity to encourage you to give us your feedback

as it is the only way for us to keep improving. We also want to invite all TSE’s students to join us, your new ideas will make us better!

We hope you will enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed making it.

Nicolás Martínez