Make economics, not war
Dear readers,
Welcome to the new issue of the TSEconomist! Its launch marks the 20th printing of our publication, and with it, the celebration of seven generations of TSE students' creativity and commitment. We must also thank you, our readers, for your continued support: on behalf
of the team, I hope you enjoy the fruit of our hard work.
This issue's focus, war, is not a popular topic. It can be difficult to address such sensitive matters, but the articles you will find in these pages will introduce you to the different dimensions war can take. The economic modeling of war reveals the essential role of rationality, and how the challenge starts with the limited amount of resources. Beyond the theory, you can read about the other facets of war: the long-term consequences of conflicts, the question of drone regulation, as well as the relatively new threat of cyberwarfare.
We are also delighted to present an interview our members conducted with the recipient of the 2018 Jean-Jacques Laffont prize, Professor Daron Acemoglu from the MIT. Have you ever pondered the possibility of robots replacing workers, and the potential role and
effectiveness of universal basic income? Have you considered the consequences artificial intelligence might have on the exacerbation of inequality? What about the role an economist should have in current political affairs? Professor Acemoglu answers this and more in an interview you should not miss.
Further into the pages of this issue, our French Corner is getting bigger and better, where our writers tackle issues such as “la Montagne d’Or”. This article is the illustration of the saying that “not everything that shines is gold”, and you will see that while the gold may shine, it is tarnished by the environmental impact and excessive politics surrounding the Guyanese gold mine.
All of these articles are just a preview of what you will find in this issue, along with our usual professional content on feedback from internships, memoirs, and campus life.
Thanks for reading and enjoy,
José Alfonso Muñoz Alvarado