Louis Malissard, Internship Testimony
Today, I'm going to talk about an idea I had of the world of work as a student, which turned out to be wrong during my gap year in Paris, and I remind you that this only sums up my personal feelings.
My subject is loneliness in the workplace. In other words, leaving the university full of like-minded students and confronting the corporate world, where the difference in profiles and the demand for results are said to create introversion among employees.
I might as well deconstruct this vision straight away: where university taught me to evolve independently, my internship trained me continuously through mutual help and sharing.
"Where university taught me to evolve independently, my internship trained me continuously through mutual help and sharing. "
I was worried about working in a form of intellectual indigence where my life as an intern would be characterized by a constant lack of knowledge given all the new missions that would come my way. I modeled the individualistic nature of my studies on the future behavior of my colleagues, who would abandon me in my difficulties, already suffocated by their own. It was a preconceived idea that probably also stemmed from the image we had of big cities lulled by liberalism and capitalism's constant quest for production. A place where navel-gazing would predominate, under the guise that the “invisible hand” would maximize everyone's happiness, and a frantic pace of work would force us to be myopic machines (seeing no further than the tip of our noses).
But what a surprise it was to see my apprehension disappear almost immediately during my first week as an intern at Paprec Energies! It was striking to see the kindness of people who were willing to share a bit of their daily lives through their knowledge.
It was certainly easy for them to talk about their missions, as their actions had a real positive impact on society (waste management). But, perhaps, it should be taken in another sense: having a new partner eager to learn and amazed by the project's stakes enabled them to take a step back from the task on which they devote themselves from Monday to Friday.
I felt that a team was forming naturally, where mutual help and trust would be the watchwords.
As proof of this, I have taken part in management committees and negotiations with regional representatives.
I'd like everyone to see the extent to which the pursuit of a common goal through work and effort leads to collective emancipation, whether intellectual or physical. It's thanks to these experiences that we understand all the nuances in the simplest sayings. An expression that particularly stuck in my head was “Alone, we go faster. Together, we go further”.
What you need to remember from this experience is that you have to make up your own mind about things, that you have to try things out to understand what's at stake, and that you have to go on a gap year!
PS: I'd also advise you to try your hand at a start-up, where you can closely observe all the problems that entrepreneurship requires (enough for an episode 2 on my second internship).
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